the most representative tradition of Nariño is the  Carnival of Blacks and Whites, proclaimed National Cultural Heritage in 2002, is celebrated every year between January 4 and 6 in Pasto, attracting a large number of tourists from all over the country and the world

Fair the song: Voice of Curiquingue:
They celebrate for five days, between two and six January, This are called to best musicians of string belonging at Nariño, Cauca, Valle del Cauca y Putumayo.

Carnaval of Fire.
It is a folk festival, Celebrated six days before of Wednesday to cinder in Tumaco-Nariño, where music samples are presented as the Marimba, Guasa, Cununo and Bombo beside to dances of Currulao and Mapale.

Onomastico to San Juan of Pasto.
It is one commemoration of the foundation of Nariño, one the city most older of the Colombia, Celebrated in of month the june with festivals and religious events.

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